Obituaries of H Surnames in Elkhart County, IN (2024)

Harmon, Adam
Goshen, Ind., May 29: Adam Harmon, aged eighty-eight years, a resident of this county since 1866, died last night at his home in this city. His wife died less than a year ago. He leaves seven children. [The Indianapolis Journal, Friday May 30, 1902]

Hartman, Jesse
Jesse Hartman, an old and honored citizen of Goshen, died at his home, 624 South Fifth street, Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock, after an illness of one month, having taken sick on July 4th. The deceased was born in Adams county, Pa., May 22, 1831. On the 15th of February, 1854, he was united in marriage with Mary Dierdorf, daughter of Peter Dierdorf, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman resided in York, Pa., until the fall of 1855, when they removed to Goshen where they have since lived. In his early life Mr. Hartman was a competent carpenter and contractor but had retired from active business life a number of years ago. Though of a quiet and reserved temperament, he was widely known and respected for his unvarying integrity and strict adherence to lofty principles. He was kind and thoughtful in his home relations and in his sickness a very patient sufferer. He leaves his wife, an adopted daughter, Miss Lena Altland and a sister, Mrs. Katherine Hollinger of East Berlin, Pa. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 from the home and interment will be made in Oak Ridge cemetery. Rev. J.V. Fradenburg will officiate. [Goshen Democrat, August 6, 1907, pg. 1; Sub. by Karen K]

Hartman, Wendell A.
Wendell A. Hartman. 57, of 411 Middlebury St., died at 1:05 p.m. Thursday (April 29, 1999) at Fort Wayne Veterans Hospital.
Mr. Hartman was born on May 6, 1941, in Elkhart, to Leolen and Lula (Marie) Hartman. He graduated in 1960 from Concord High School and was a self-employed construction worker.
He is survived by his mother, L. "Merle" Hartman, and two brothers, Donald L. and Gerald L., all of Elkhart. One brother is deceased.
Friends will be received one hour before the memorial service at 5 p.m. Thursday at Island Park. Hartzler Gutermuth Inman Funeral Home is in charge of cremation arrangements. [The Elkhart Truth, May 1, 1999; Sub. by Karen K]

Hattel, George
Funeral Of George Hattel
Funeral services for George Hattel, who died Saturday at his home. 628 1/2 West Beardsley avenue, will he held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the residence. A special interurban car will take the friends and relatives to Goshen, where the burial will take place, in Oak Ridge cemetery. Rev. R. A. Morrison of St. Paul's Methodist church of this city will be in charge. [The Elkhart Daily Review, January 22, 1917]

Havens, Susan
Susan Havens died of dropsy at the home of her son, Elbert Havens, two miles east of the city on the Bristol road, at 11 p. m. Thursday. She was born in New York, state on June 18, 1828, and is survived by two sons, Elbert and Lainart E. Havens, the later a resident, of Elkhart. The funeral service will be hold at the residence at 1:30 p. in. Saturday. [Elkhart Weekly Review (Elkhart, IN) October 13, 1909 p5]

Haverstick, Mary
Mrs. Mary Haverstick, relict of the late George Haverstick, of Union township, died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Samuel Winder, at Ottawa, Kansas, Monday, March 18th.
Deceased had been making her home with her daughter, Mrs F. G. Bryson, at Waukesha, Wis., a portion of the time since leaving Nappanee; and when death came was visiting at Ottawa, Kansas. Mr. Winder being a relative of Mr. John Stauffer of Nappanee, a dispatch to the latter from Mr. Wash Haverstick announcing the death of his mother, and the request that the remains be cared for at the home of Mr. Stauffer was received by him Monday.
Accordingly, the request for the funeral arrangements have been compiled with and it will be held tomorrow, Thursday, at 10:30 a.m. at the M.K. church. The remains are expected to arrive here to-day. [Nappanee News, March 20, 1895]

Hawks, Delinda
Death of Mrs. Hawks
Mrs. Cephas Hawks, whose life had been in the balance for a number of days, is no more. Her spirit took its flight last night at 9 o'clock. She approached death with all the patience and fortitude of a sincere Christian and the last days of her life were comparatively free from pain. Since Friday she had been in a state of coma and dissolution came while she slept, a calm and peaceful ending. Death was due to a complication of diseases, hastened by an attack of la grippe. In her death the hearts of a happy family circle are plunged in deep sorrow and society loses a useful member. She was particularly a worthy woman, a kind mother and a loving wife. The aged husband thus bereft of his life companion, her careful attention and counsel, will have much sympathy.
Delinda Bliss Hawks was born at Vershire, Vermont, March 3d, 1817. She was the daughter of Rev. Ezra Bliss, and came to Middlebury, this county, in 1838. January 28th, 1841. she was married to Cephas Hawks, who was then in business in Waterford. Two sons and four daughters were born of the union, three of whom are living. They are. F.E.C. Hawks, secretary of the Goshen Milling co., E. W. Hawks, of the Hawks Furniture Co.. and Mrs, John Conner Deceased united with the Presbyterian church at the age of 18 years and lived a faithful member. She has three sisters living, namely, Mrs. Emily Moore, who is 85 years of age; Mrs, Eliza Robie, aged 95 years, of Bangor, Me.; and Mary Swan. The funeral will occur tomorrow at 2:30 from the family residence, 208 South Sixth street. [Goshen Daily News; October 31, 1892]

Hawks, George D.
Death of Prominent Goshen Man.
George D. Hawks, a resident of Goshen for thirty-nine years, and a member of the Goshen Milling Co., the Hawks Electric Co., the Hawks Coal & Wood Co., and the Goshen Hydraulic Co. died on Sunday after an illness of some time. He was also superintendent of the milling company's plant. Mr. Hawks was born in Pittsford N.Y., in 1841. He is survived by his wife; son, Harvey A. Hawks of Goshen; and daughters, Mrs. M. L. Swinehart of Lagrange and Mrs. W E. Gortner of Las Vegas, N. M. The funeral will be held at 2:30 p. m. Tuesday. Mr. Hawks was a cousin of County Councilman F.E.C. Hawks of Goshen and Dwight Hawks, the well-known Goshen druggist, as well as of several other well-known Goshenites of that name. [Elkhart Weekly Review (Elkhart, IN) January 1, 1908, p7]

Hazel, William
William Hazel of Goshen, 76, died suddenly of apolexy Sunday. He is survived by his wife, three sons, one daughter, five brothers and one sister. [Elkhart Daily Review (Elkhart, IN) December 9, 1913; p5]

Heatwole, J. H.
Maj. Heatwole's Remains Arrive.
The remains of the late Major J. H. Heatwole, ex-mayor of Goshen, who died in Cuba, have arrived in that city and preparations are being made for the funera. M. U. Demarest went to Goshen this morning to arrange for participation of Elkhart Commandery in the funeral ceremonies and a meeting of the older will be held in the Commandery hall at 7:30 this evening to perfect such plans.
The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon from the M. E. church in Goshen and the county G. A. A. lodges will attend in a body. [Elkhart Weekly Truth March 8, 1900, pg. 2]

Helfrich, Josephine
Mother of Mrs. John K. Jennings Dies in St Mary's Hospital Following Operation
Mrs. Josephine Helfrich, 74, mother-in-law of John K. Jennings. died at 6:25 o'clock yesterday morning at St. Mary's hospital following an operation Wednesday for an abscess and infected rib. Death resulted when her heart became affected.
Mrs. Helfrich. a lifelong resident of Evansville. was formerly Miss Josephine Schneider and was the widow of William Helfrich, local lumberman. The husband was superintendent of the Helfrich Lumber and Manufacturing company at the time of his death in 1914.
Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. John K. Jennings; a brother, Valentine Schneider: and grandchildren. Mrs. Jack Kollker and William Jennings all of Evansville.
Funeral services will be held at 7:45 o'clock tomorrow morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings. 401 North Wabash avenue, and at 8 o'clock at St. Boniface Catholic church. Burial will be in St. Joseph cemetery. [The Evansville Courier and Journal, Sunday June 18, 1933]

Hershey, Mrs. Arville
Mrs. Arville Hershey, formerly a resident of Goshen, died at her home in Indianapolis at 8:30 p.m. Sunday. The remains will be brought to Goshen for burial. [Elkhart Daily Review (Elkhart, IN) December 6, 1909; p5]

Hibsham, Eliza E.
Eliza E. Hibsham, formerly of Elkhart, died this afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ellen E. Bliss, in South Bend. Death was due to Bright's disease. Mrs. Hibsham was 74 years old and is survived by a number of children. The body will be brought here Monday afternoon for burial in Grace Lawn cemetery about 3 o'clock. [Elkhart Truth, May 1, 1909]

Hilliard, Viola
Mrs. Viola Hilliard, 1211/2 South Main street died at 5:30 o'clock this morning at the General hospital. She was thirty years of age. Her husband, F. D. Hilliard, and two sons - Willard and Howard - of Elkhart survive. Other survivors are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blackall of Scottsburg and two brothers - John Blackall and William Blackall - also of Scottsburg; two sisters - Mrs. Isaac Daly of Johnson City, Ill. and Miss Hattie Blackall of Seymour, Ind. [Elkhart Daily Review (Elkhart, IN) May 31, 1918, pg5]

Hoetger, Lillian
Lillian, the fourteen-year-old daughter of Joseph Hoetger of Detroit, formerly of this city, died Saturday, and the funeral is being held today. An uncle, Matthew Hoetger of this cily, went to Detroit this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hoetger moved to Detroit from Elkhart about, two years ago. Mrs. Jacob Pfeiffer of Middlebury died today after a long illness. She was seventy-five years of age. She is survived by three children, Henry Pfeiffer, Mrs. David Cartmell and Mrs. T. D. Artley, all of Middlebury township. Ed Fifer of this city is a nephew. [Elkhart Weekly Review (Elkhart, IN) June 5, 1907; p5]

Hoke, George K.
Death of George K. Hoke
George K. Hoke, an Elkhart county pioneer, and a citizen of Elkhart, died in San Diego. Cal., Jan. 19, two weeks after he left Elkhart on his western trip. He was 88 years of age. Mr. Hoke was born Jan. 23, 1809, in Columbiana county, Ohio. Growing up to manhood and following the occupation of carpenter, he was married in the Buckeye State to a Miss Goettle and to this union seven children were born. five of whom survive. They are Jacob Hoke, of San Diego, Josiah Hoke of Waldron, Ill., and Mrs. Mary Carpenter, Samuel Hoke and Mrs. Caroline Clark, of Elkhart. Mr. Hoke's second wife was Mrs. Ellen Keller, who preceded him in death some ten years ago. The only surviving child of this union is Mrs. Minnie Zimmerman, of Elkhart. Mr. Hoke came lo Elkhart county in 1846, and settled on a farm he purchased in Baugo township. There he resided until 1868, when he purchased and removed to his late residence, a farm on the West Franklin street road near Elkhart. [Goshen Weekly Midweek Times, January 22, 1897]

Hollingsworth, Lenn (Holly)
Elkhart: Lenn Hollingsworth, 51, of 50574 Brooklyn, died at 2:45 p.m. Friday (Feb. 22, 1991) at home. He was ill for one year.
He was born Aug. 3, 1939, in Harvey, Ill., and married Ruth DeRiuter on Oct. 2, 1959. She survives with three sons, Ross, Todd and Kip, all of Elkhart; his mother, Mary Hollingsworth, Elkhart; one sister, Jean Forbes, Hazelcrest, Ill.; and three brothers, Paul of Starker, Fla., Leon of Gary, and Ladd of California.
Mr. Hollingsworth worked at Riblet Plastics.
There will be no calling or funeral. White Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. [The Elkhart Truth, Feb. 23, 1991; Sub. by Karen K]

Hostetler, Sherry L.
Mishawaka: Sherry L. Hostetler, 49, of Mishawaka, died Friday (Dec. 29, 2006) at home.
Friends may call from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday at Palmer Funeral Home, 3718 S. Michigan St., South Bend.
Miss Hostetler was born Sept. 11, 1957, in Elkhart to James and Doris (Schmuhl) Hostetler. Her parents survive in Naples, Fla.
Also surviving are two sisters, Susan Pressler of New Albany, Ind., and Sandra Hostetler of Baltimore; and a brother, Ralph (Linda) Hostetler of The Plains, Va. [Elkhart Truth, Jan. 1, 2007; Sub. by Karen K]

Houghton, Stephen W.
Stephen W. Houghton, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Houghton of No. 510 Madison street, died at 7 p. m. Tuesday, and will be buried from the house Thursday at 3 p. m. Rev. L. S. Fisher will officiate. The child was born October 1. [Elkhart Weekly Review (Elkhart, IN) October 13, 1909; p5]

Howe, Iva
Mrs. Henry Howe of Grand Rapids, formerly Miss Iva Bradley of Elkhart, died Wednesday. [The Elkhart Review, Saturday April 14, 1906]

Hughes, Benjamin
Elkhart, Ind. Nov. 6: Benjamin Hughes, aged seventy-two years, whose home and wagon shop were lost in the fire that destroyed fifteen buildings at Wakarusa, this county, on Sunday, Oct. 29. is dead. He had not been well for some time and since his recent loss has failed rapidly. He was a veteran of the civil war, having served in Company G. Seventy-fourth Indiana Infantry. He left a widow and four daughters. [Indiana State Journal, Nov 8, 1899]

Hughes, John
John Hughes of Nappanee, who was engaged in the dredging business, died suddenly at 1 p.m. Friday. He had been complaining of not feeling well of late, but up until an hour before he expired, he seemed to be in about his usual health. Mr. Hughes was born in Ireland in 1850. Surviving him are his wife and eight children. [Elkhart Daily Review (Elkhart, IN) December 6, 1909; p5]

Huston, E.P.
Paris, IN: E.P. Huston, late receiver of the Peoria, Decatur and Evansville Railway, formerly a manager of the Terre Haute House, died at his father's residence, in this city, at 2:30 this afternoon, after a protracted illness. [unk. newspaper, Feb.6, 1898]

Obituaries of H Surnames in Elkhart County, IN (2024)


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